Toyota Highlander
Chbar MonUSD 14,800
Ad createdFebruary 20
Ad createdFebruary 20
Make an offer
AboutToyota Highlander
+85501 088 9849
Mileage80,000 km
Body Type4 Wheel Drives & SUVs
Fuel TypePetrol
Air ConYes
Drive TypeRight
Seller comment
Safety Notice
- Do not under any circumstances pay in advance.
- Check the car carefully before you buy it. Ask for inspection certificates.
- Check ownership and registration details as well as a vehicle logbook.
- Meet at a safe and public location and bring someone with you.
- Pay after you collect the car. Always request proof of purchase (transfer receipt, email..)
- Look out for significantly undervalued cars. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Call the seller
+85501 088 9849
USD 14,800
Call the seller
+85501 088 9849
សួស្តីខ្ញុំត្រូវការលក់ឡាន Highlander 04 V4 ប៉ុង1 កៅអី3ជួរ ពណ៌ទឹកប្រាក់ ឡានប្រេីលក្ខណ:គ្រួសារ ឡានស្អាតអត់បុក អត់ពុក អត់ច្រេស ធានាអត់កាត់ត ឯកសារគ្រប់ម្ចាស់ដេីម ទឹកថ្នាំស៊ីនមួយជុំ
សំបកកង់ យ៉ាន់ថ្មី
010889849/012889849! ! !